PBC Gives 90 Bikes During Bike to School Week

05 October 2018 Published in Provo News

When the school district asked us to participate in Bike to School Week this year, we went all in. Provo Bicycle Collective originally promised 75 bikes to local elementary schools, but the requests kept coming after that, until we reached 90 bikes. 

Why did we promise this? Because every kid deserves a bike. Most of us remember our first bike as a child because it gave us freedom; freedom to explore at the speed of discovery. Every child deserves this feeling.

This week, most of those bikes were given out to children who didn't already own a bike. To say they were thrilled is an understatement. I'll let this photo do the talking from here.

If you've ever volunteered with us, know that you played a huge part in this. All giveaway bikes are refurbished by volunteers like you. We can't thank you enough! See more photos of these kids here and don't forget to share!

If you'd like to ensure all kids get a bike, regardless of family income, donate today! Just $50 gives a bike to a kid in need!