101 Kids Bikes Refurbished for Giveaway in Provo

25 December 2016 Published in Provo News

It's been a historic year at Provo Bicycle Collective. With our move, building beautification, and addition of new staff, we've focused our volunteers' efforts on refurbishing giveaway bikes.  With the help of dozens of volunteers, we refurbished 101 kids bikes for giveaway this month. This beats our previous record of 50 last Christmas. We're confident that these bicycles were placed with the right children who would otherwise not have received a bike this Christmas. It's our hope that these bikes will encourage them to get outside and lay a groundwork for a self-sufficient life. Thank you to Provo School District's Social Workers, Utah County 4-H, Centro Hipsano, and bishops of the LDS Church for helping us place these bicycles. We are looking forward to serving and giving even more in 2017.

If you have need for kids bikes in the near or distant future, please email to request some. We'll be needing to find kids to receive these for years to come.